Monday, August 22, 2011

Hip Issues

I feel like I'm going stir crazy. I haven't been running in over a week.

After the half marathon, I resigned myself to the fact that I had done something nasty to my hip. In the days following the half marathon, I was sore and stiff -- but almost exclusively in my right hip. That pain slowly decreased over the next week. The week after that, I thought I could handle a short run. I felt pretty good and thought I should get back into it before I started losing any conditioning.

I went for a short two mile run around the neighborhood with my son. I didn't make it 20ft. without feeling soreness and pain when bringing my leg forward at the end of my stride. It wasn't extreme, just a little uncomfortable. The pain didn't leave entirely, but felt much better after a mile. My son isn't a runner ...yet, and we stopped frequently to drink water and walk until he could recover. I felt a little sore at the end of the run, and it only increased throughout the day from that point on. Obviously, it hadn't miraculously healed itself.

I went a few more days and felt better than I had the Saturday before, and thought I would try another run. I woke up early and started running through the neighborhood. The run began as it had before -- a little soreness and moderate pain at first. By mile 2, it wasn't any more than a mild discomfort. I made it almost 7  miles before I had looped back to the house. The rest of the day the pain increased and the soreness and stiffness returned.

So, last week at work I was talking to a coworker about finding a good sports medicine doctor. She told me she had the same injury years before and had seen a good chiropractor who had really helped her. I ended up in the office today. My doctor is also a runner. An ultra runner, at that. I had my initial exam and will get the results tomorrow. I'm eager to get back on my feet. I hope the news is good.

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